About prints and frames

The photo prints that we sell are art pieces : it means that they have been taken by the artist, that the prints have been made under his care, and that they are signed and numbered. They come under various sizes (formats) but the total number of signed prints will never exceed 30.

For each picture, the photographer has decided in which sizes the photo will be printed, and how many copies per size will exist. Usually, the smaller the format is, the more copies there is. Price can change along the way : the last copies of the series are typically more expensive.

The size of the print is not the size of the image, but the size of the paper it is printed on. It includes a small margin whose size is for the artist to decide.

The print is usually signed by the artist at the back with a pencil (ink could damage the print) and comes with a certificate of authenticity which indicates the title, the number of the print and its size.


24x30 cm prints can be purchased online with or without 30x40 cm frames, which come in oak (chêne), black or white. We can also arrange framing for larger prints, but we prefer to discuss artistic options and delivery issues with you, rather than imposing a priced choice. So to acquire large prints (40x60 cm an above), you should click on the option “sans encadrement” = “no frame” and contact us.

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